How to chat privately

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Hey, want to secure your chat with MySudo, the all-in-one privacy app?

First, subscribe to a plan to add phone numbers to your Sudos. You can have up to 9 numbers in a choice of locations. 

Sudo numbers are VoIP numbers, which have some huge benefits:

  • Your movements can’t be tracked like they are with cell numbers connected to cell towers through the SIM card. 

  • Using multiple VoIP numbers breaks the data trail that ties all your online activities together and leaves you vulnerable to spammers and scammers. VoIP numbers can’t become a unique identifier to all your other personal information like a personal cell number can.

  • A VoIP number acts just like your normal cell phone number. You can make and take phone calls and send and receive SMS.

  • You can compartmentalize (silo) your activities by phone number and protect your personal information. This is a big one: Since you’ve used a different number for each Sudo purpose (work, school, socializing, travel bookings etc.), if one of your accounts is exposed in a data breach, the others stay safe. 

  • You can more easily manage your communications and activities. With multiple VoIP numbers, you can turn off or mute notifications for certain numbers (e.g. turn off your realtor and others connected with your recent house purchase, or mute social media notifications while you’re at work). You’re in control of the influx of information which is a relief in this information-overloaded world.

Once you have your Sudo numbers, you can:

  • Make end-to-end encrypted voice, video and group calls with other MySudo users

  • end end-to-end encrypted messages to other MySudo users.

Having end-to-end encryption on all communications between MySudo users addresses the common privacy concerns around VoIP numbers. 

And if your contacts aren’t on MySudo, you can easily invite them to the app so everything you say is secure.

But you don’t even need to use a Sudo phone number for private chat. Your Sudo handle does all your end-to-end encrypted calling and messaging within the app – and it’s FREE!

If email is more your jam, we’ve got you covered there too. All emails between MySudo users are—you guessed it—end-to-end encrypted. Emails with non-users are standard.

And if you’re wondering how secure is secure—we use the same encryption standard as governments and the military.
So lock down your chat with MySudo. Start now or watch more videos on your home page. You’re crushing it!

So lock down your chat with MySudo today. Then head to our blog or our popular podcast, Privacy Files for more on MySudo.