control of your personal information

Learn immediately which companies have your data and whether or not your personal information has been exposed in a data breach.

the reclaim robot showing what information other companies have on you

What is a personal data removal service?

Our personal data removal service uses advanced AI software that scans your email inbox to identify what companies have your information, allowing you to see what data they have and steps to request the company to delete it.

One time $7.99
1 time inbox scan
$7.99/7 day access
Monthly $9.99
Unlimited inbox scans
Yearly $74.99
Unlimited inbox scans

Pick your plan

Get RECLAIM for only $7.99!

You can get 7 day access to RECLAIM for only $7.99.

Does this sound like you?

Begin your privacy journey by taking control of your information with our personal data removal service.

Online tracking

Tired of getting ads that feel a little too personal?

Stop them in their tracks

Wave goodbye to tracked ads with RECLAIM. We make it easy to erase your tracks from those nosy data brokers.

Overwhelming inbox

Is your inbox full of unwanted emails from irrelevant companies?

Unsubscribing made easy

Use our software to scan and identify which companies have your info, and decide if you want to stay subscribed.

Fear of data breaches

Feel like your personal information has been compromised?

Identify data breaches

RECLAIM identifies companies that have experienced data breaches, and helps you remove your personal information.

Email history

Wonder which companies still have access to your information over all this time?

Account cleaning

RECLAIM lists companies inside your inbox and the personal data they've collected, and then provides step-by-step instructions to update or remove it.

New to privacy protection

Not really sure where to start with all this privacy stuff?


First step towards privacy

Jump into privacy protection without the headache. Use RECLAIM to start taking back control of your personal information.

How RECLAIM works


RECLAIM scans through your email inbox and finds all companies associated with your email address.

the reclaim ai bot scanning a gmail account


RECLAIM reveals all companies linked to your email, including ones that have compromised your personal information through data breaches.

the reclaim ai bot finding out where your information is


RECLAIM’s AI suggests which accounts to eliminate and gives you instructions on how to remove them.

the reclaim ai bot showing you how to get your information back

Get to know RECLAIM

A breakdown of our personal data removal service.


MySudo works seamlessly with RECLAIM! Use your Sudo information to replace your personal info on any of your online accounts.


Reach out to our support team for help with setting up your account, troubleshooting, or maximizing privacy with our products.

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Try RECLAIM for yourself

Take back control of your personal information with personal data removal service.