Open communications

Protect your users’ privacy and data with our email, messaging, and calling features. Our open communications make it easier than ever to add privacy-preserving communications to all your products using our SDKs.

Our cyber safety solutions include voice calling , email , phone numbers , SMS/MMS messaging
Our cyber safety solutions include SMS/MMS messaging , voice calling , phone numbers , email

Phone numbers

Phone numbers

Give your users phone numbers that work just like their mobile number but with all the privacy benefits of a Sudo digital identity.

SMS/MMS messaging

SMS/MMS messaging

Add SMS and MMS messaging to any app, allowing users to send texts, photos, GIFs, and audio while blocking or muting numbers. Messages are encrypted with public-key encryption, ensuring only the intended recipient can decrypt them.

Voice calling

Voice calling

Enable your apps to make and receive voice calls to any phone number globally. Like a mobile number but with the added privacy of a Sudo.

Publishing SDKs soon



Your users will be able to easily create and add email addresses to their Sudos. Easily offer an email service to your users, only more secure and putting the user in control of their information.

Start creating better operations and offerings today

With our cutting-edge technology, you can enhance operational efficiency, block fraudulent activities, and unlock new revenue streams. Contact us today to get started!

Stop fraud and streamline your operations today

With our advanced identity protection technologies, you can enhance operational efficiency, block fraudulent activities, and unlock new revenue streams. Contact us today to get started!