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MySudo Desktop is Here: 3 Good Reasons to Get it Now! 

MySudo is coming for your desktop!  We’re excited to announce the release of MySudo Desktop, a new companion product for MySudo app.   MySudo Desktop is the next evolution of our…

Is an App a Wallet or is a Wallet an App?

By Steve McCown Today’s news is filled with articles and discussions about digital identity, credentials, passwordless logins, etc. Inevitably, articles gravitate towards digital wallets, some…

4 Quick Things You Can Do to Protect Your Personal Information This Data Privacy Day

Make this year’s Data Privacy Day the day you take back control of your personal information online. Data breaches are at an all-time high and…

Anonyome’s DI Mobile Wallet SDK Now Offers Even More DI Trust Infrastructure Options

With our bleeding-edge 3.0 release of the Anonyome Labs decentralized identity (DI) mobile wallet SDK just coming hot off the press, we’re excited to announce that we’ve…

Search Blog

What Should I Do If I’ve Been Caught In a Data Breach?

Living in a highly connected digital world has its risks. Having your personal information caught up in a data breach is a big one. We…

What is a Data Breach?

You’ve seen the steady stream of headlines reporting massive data breaches. Now let’s go inside the concept of a data breach to see what’s really going…

Stay Safe When You Date, With MySudo

We know dating isn’t all heart emojis and chocolates. There are real risks along with the rewards. Personal safety is one of those risks, whether…

What is the Data Economy? And Why Should We Care?

Forget the private eye sitting in his car across the street with his binoculars trained on a single subject. Surveillance has moved en masse and…

What is a Sudo?

A core capability of our products here at Anonyome Labs is the Sudo—a secure, customizable digital identity or ‘profile’ that intentionally differentiates from your personal…

14 Real-Life Examples of Personal Data You Want To Keep Private

Apple’s new ‘Over sharing’ ads have everyone thinking about the type of personal information we freely share on our devices and the shocking reality of it being…

The Privacy Risks of Telehealth and What You Can Do To Protect Your Privacy

In the current COVID-19 world, telehealth and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) are booming but the healthcare industry is unsurprisingly under unprecedented levels of cyberattack.  If you’re a telehealth…

6 Things You Might Not Know About Data Privacy But Should

Data privacy, and the sheer volume of data breaches and cyberattacks that prompt much of this coverage, you’d be forgiven for having privacy fatigue. But…

How Your Sudo Profiles Are Like Your ‘Stunt Doubles’

Every great movie star has a stunt double, right? You know, the other guy they send in when the risks are real and the stakes…

Encryption in MySudo: A Deep Dive on How We Keep Your Data Safe

Encryption is one of the main technical features that preserves a MySudo user’s control over their personal information and protects that information from unauthorized use….

The 3 Big Benefits of Using the Private Browser in MySudo

If you feel a bit like a puppet on a string when you use the Internet, it’s probably because you are.  The companies you’re engaging with,…

Why Compartmentalizing Your Private Data Is Simple With MySudo

Imagine for a moment, you were caught up in one of the 7,098 data breaches reported in 2019 (the highest number on record) or one of the breaches…

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