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MySudo Desktop is Here: 3 Good Reasons to Get it Now! 

MySudo is coming for your desktop!  We’re excited to announce the release of MySudo Desktop, a new companion product for MySudo app.   MySudo Desktop is the next evolution of our…

Is an App a Wallet or is a Wallet an App?

By Steve McCown Today’s news is filled with articles and discussions about digital identity, credentials, passwordless logins, etc. Inevitably, articles gravitate towards digital wallets, some…

4 Quick Things You Can Do to Protect Your Personal Information This Data Privacy Day

Make this year’s Data Privacy Day the day you take back control of your personal information online. Data breaches are at an all-time high and…

Anonyome’s DI Mobile Wallet SDK Now Offers Even More DI Trust Infrastructure Options

With our bleeding-edge 3.0 release of the Anonyome Labs decentralized identity (DI) mobile wallet SDK just coming hot off the press, we’re excited to announce that we’ve…

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How MySudo Lets You Control Who Sees Your Personal Info Online and in Real Life

Guess what? Despite the soaring rates of data breaches and scams, you don’t have to be a sitting duck for criminals. MySudo gives you complete…

What the Anonyome Labs Team Told 5000+ Banking Reps at the Fintech Meetup in Vegas

he Anonyome Labs team headed to “the best fintech show of the year”—the Fintech Meetup in Vegas, March 3–6—to showcase the latest in digital identity…

This is How to Use MySudo to Save Loved Ones from Voice Deep Fake Scams

What if you could use MySudo to save your family and friends from losing large sums of money to a voice deep fake scam like…

How to Use MySudo for DoorDash and Other Food Delivery Services

It’s snowing, you’re hungry, and the game is in penalty time. You reach for your phone and scroll through the food delivery apps. You haven’t…

From Yelp to Lyft: 6 Ways to “Do Life” Without Using Your Personal Details

Life is lived online, but it doesn’t have to be left online. If you’ve only ever known the internet, you’re probably pretty comfortable with entering…

No More Overdraft Fees: How to Make Up Revenue  

The Biden administration and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced a change to drop overdraft fees to as low as $3. The average fee for overdrafts…

Californians, This is Why You Still Need MySudo Despite the New “Delete Act”

On October 10, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the first law ever to force data brokers to delete personal data on request. Dubbed the “Delete…

Why More Companies are Turning to SaaS for Decentralized Identity Solutions

Considering a decentralized identity (DI) solution? Is this your wish list: ✔️ You want to deploy DI capabilities in the simplest way possible. ✔️ You…

This is Why MySudo Is Essential, Even 10 YEARS After Snowden

It’s been 10 years since government contractor, Edward Snowden, revealed mass domestic and international surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and its British…

How to Save Up to $30 on Your MySudo Subscription

People love MySudo for its all-in-one privacy capabilities. It’s the only app on the market offering: —all in one place. For so much functionality, our…

Is the Cloud Safe Enough to Store Files?

Cloud storage is amazing — and risky The 2000s may be over, but cloud storage is still amazing. Services such as Dropbox, Apple’s iCloud, Google’s…

6 Ways Web3 and Decentralized Identity Technologies Could Stop Deep Fakes

Artificial intelligence (AI) has many upsides, but a significant downside is its role in creating deep fakes and other identity theft fraud mechanisms. The technology…

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