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MySudo Desktop is Here: 3 Good Reasons to Get it Now! 

MySudo is coming for your desktop!  We’re excited to announce the release of MySudo Desktop, a new companion product for MySudo app.   MySudo Desktop is the next evolution of our…

Is an App a Wallet or is a Wallet an App?

By Steve McCown Today’s news is filled with articles and discussions about digital identity, credentials, passwordless logins, etc. Inevitably, articles gravitate towards digital wallets, some…

4 Quick Things You Can Do to Protect Your Personal Information This Data Privacy Day

Make this year’s Data Privacy Day the day you take back control of your personal information online. Data breaches are at an all-time high and…

Anonyome’s DI Mobile Wallet SDK Now Offers Even More DI Trust Infrastructure Options

With our bleeding-edge 3.0 release of the Anonyome Labs decentralized identity (DI) mobile wallet SDK just coming hot off the press, we’re excited to announce that we’ve…

Search Blog

Did You Know You Can Control Spam Calls With MySudo?

We get this question into MySudo support all the time: Why am I getting spam calls on MySudo? Great question! Here’s our answer: As is the case with…

3 Things to Know About Data Privacy Laws in the US in 2023

There’s been some movement in state and federal data privacy laws in the United States. Here are three things to know about the regulatory landscape…

6 Reasons Why ChatGPT is a Data Privacy Nightmare

ChatGPT is so hot right now and many of us didn’t even see it coming.  The generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot from Microsoft-backed Open AI has taken the world…

Even the FBI Wants You to Use an Ad Blocker

You know an issue is serious when the FBI gets involved. This time the issue is cybercriminals using online ads to impersonate brands and direct…

Doctor! Doctor! Give Me the News: 6 Risks to Your Medical Privacy

“Opportunities for abuse of health data are incalculable,” says Privacy Files podcast co-host, Rich, as he opens ep. 9, tackling the privacy (or otherwise) of our personal health…

Verifiable Credentials – the Killer Feature of Decentralized Identity

By Dr Paul Ashley, co-CEO and CTO, Anonyome Labs This article was originally published in Michael Bazzell’s Unredacted magazine, January 2023. To learn more, view the latest…

Why Your ‘Residual Data’ is Worth Far More than Your Email, Phone Number

If you read our blog, you’d know the dangers of sharing your personal information online. You might be using MySudo all-in-one privacy app to safeguard…

310 Ways to Get Support at MySudo

At MySudo, we take user support incredibly seriously. Our support team has a strong reputation for being responsive and helpful when users reach out with…

3 Signs the US Public is Taking Data Privacy in its Own Hands

A new report on Dark Reading says consumers are more aware than ever of data privacy and security risks and it’s changing their behavior. Report author Todd Moore,…

6 Reasons to Listen to the New ‘Privacy Files’ Podcast

Privacy Files is the podcast that makes privacy approachable for everyone. It’s just been released on all major podcast platforms and is sponsored by Anonyome…

This is What Some Tax Filing Services are Doing with Your Sensitive Information

A recent investigation found some major US tax filing services are sending sensitive customer data to Meta. The Markup reports five big-name tax filing services…

There is a Bigger Privacy Threat than Google and Facebook

When you think about the big privacy invaders—those household names that gather and sell your personal data with their ever-changing algorithms—you typically think of Google,…

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